Sweet Pandemic Baby

I had my very own pandemic baby.

No, not one that was conceived out of quarantine boredom. This girl was planned for long before anyone knew what coronavirus even was. And even with her being my 4th child, her birth was completely unforgettable (I mean, they are all kind of that way anyways).

When my husband came down with COVID symptoms when I was 37 weeks pregnant with baby #4, I knew our time was limited to get him tested and BETTER before bringing all the challenges of a new life home along with 3 already precious daughters depending on us. And as it turns out, stress CAN prematurely break your water. I’ll never forget laying in bed alone (because husband was quarantined to the basement until his test results were back) when I felt the POP. Oh S*** is all I could think, while the panic started. I walked my crying self down to the basement, flung the door open and bawled to my poor, fever-ridden husband that I needed to go to the hospital. Through sobs, I told him that he wouldn’t be able to come do this last baby thing with me (he was still awaiting his COVID test and still feverish). I wasn’t contracting or in an pain at all which made this even WORSE in my opinion, because I wasn’t being distracted on what was about to happen without my biggest supporter with me.

I won’t go into all the details, but our 4th daughter arrived by the morning with by far the easiest labor I’ve ever had (thank you GOD). I delivered on the unit I worked (L&D nurse here) with all my best friends caring for my sad self. My sweet mother in law was my support person this time and braved the hospital to be by side, which I’ll be forever grateful for. Husband (Brett) was able to FaceTime watch the birth of his 4th daughter, which he says was the best way to be present anyways. HAHA! And I know I was LUCKY. So many other woman have been presented with this same situation….to deliver alone. Or worse, to deliver with COVID themselves. So I’ll count my blessings…but don’t think for a second I won’t use this story against this daughter someday! Probably during those teenage years I’ve heard so much about….

Anyone else have a pandemic baby? I’d love to hear your story! Leave a comment below.

Thankful for my photography abilities to be able to capture my own Fresh 48 images. Oh how I miss hospital sessions!

  1. Britany says:

    I absolutely love this!!! Such an amazingly crazy and unforgettable birth story!! You are one tough mama!

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